Friday, December 30, 2005

Serious Question

I was asked a serious question and although I have already thought of this myself, I wanted to share this question with others. I was told that I was born into a christian American family by pure chance. This, I agree with. He said that there are over 4 billion chinese in the world and they are mostly buddist and communist. He said that there are many people on this planet who may be born and raised in a certain religion and culture that is not christian. Many will never even hear the name of Jesus. So he asked me; "Do you believe in a God that will send people to Hell for all eternity just because they happened to live in a part of the world that was not christian and never heard the Gospel?

I know what my answer to this question is, but before I share my answer, I want to ask some questions of my own. Is there no absolute truth? If you think there isn't, are you absolutely sure? Is one religion really as good as another? Is everyone really going to Heaven?

Here is my short answer to the first question that is no where near detailed enough to persuade anyone that I am right. I am just wanting to share what my answer is. First of all, I will say that I am not God and do not have the ability to know who He will or will not save. I do believe that the final authority for all religious topics is the Bible. I do not think that one religion is as good as another. I have read other religions' "Holy Word" and none come anywhere close to the Bible in uniqueness and in the clarity. The Bible never contradicts itself. Other writings contradict themselves. The Bible has never contradicted Archiolgy or any other Scientific fact.

I suppose my answer is not very short after all. I do know that God no longer thinks of ignorance as an excuse. I read that in the Bible. I also know that Jesus says "Narrow is the gate and difficult is the Way the leads to life and few will find it". (Matt.7:14) In fact I have started my own Bible Study Message board and I will eventually have lessons that will teach things like How we got our Bible, How we can know that it is the Word of God, and many more very helpful studies. It is titled The Narrow Way. I am just starting to work on it, but if anyone wants to join and be a part of the group, I will welcome you. As long as you are honestly wanting to learn and not just wanting to cause trouble, you will be more than welcome. If you are just curious, the information can be read by non-members as well, but only members can post questions or messages. Here is the link.


Blogger Norma said...

I have never heard a Christian ask this question, it is always a non-Christian, agnostic or atheist who knows just enough Christian theology to construct what he believes is a deep, weighty thought. But they are playing in the shallow end of the pool.

8:44 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This question was not from a Christian. This was asked by my older brother who is no longer a Christian. He turned his back on Godnot long after his first marriage although he was on his way toward a non-christian life while attending college. He was less than a semester away from completing his degree in Piano Performance and he dropped out and got married. His wife was getting him involved in alcohol and drugs. She cheated on him and divorced him when their daughter was still a baby. I think he partly blames God for his first marriage failing. Anyway, he now believes in pluralism. All people who are generally good will be fine. It doesn't matter what religion you are or even if you are religious. It just matters that you are an honest and decent person.

1:29 AM  

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